Why Customers Benefit, the Less Succinct Version

Normally my writing is too long, but in this case perhaps it was a little too short. The three words “why customers benefit” DO say it all, and encapsulate much of my thought. Let me explain: Perhaps this discussion of the three words “why customers benefit” will give you some insight in how to marketContinue reading “Why Customers Benefit, the Less Succinct Version”

Do Your Prospects Ignore Your Company’s Message?

In my 29 years in the identity industry, I’ve seen marketing messages from a number of companies—my employers, my consulting clients, and my competitors. And some of the marketing messages target the wrong audience—the audience who WON’T purchase your products. Telling the wrong product story I have worked for several technology companies both within andContinue reading “Do Your Prospects Ignore Your Company’s Message?”

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